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Book Cover: Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenBook Cover: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenBook Cover: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


"Coming from a family of sisters and the second-born, I always identified with Elizabeth Bennet. The plight of women and our historically limited freedoms make Austen's spirited characters all the more intriguing and inspiring."

"My favorite writer is Jane Austen and I've read all her books so many times I've lost count"

"Q: You are stranded on a desert island with only one book, one CD, and one DVD--what are they?
A: The CD is easy: Absolution by Muse, hands down. It's harder to give myself just one movie, but the one I watch most frequently is Sense and Sensibility--the one with the screenplay by Emma Thompson. One book is impossible. I'd have to have Pride and Prejudice, but I couldn't live without something by Orson Scott Card and a nice, thick Maeve Binchy, too."

J.K. Rowling's interview with Amazon.co.uk


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