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Best Marketing Advice Book
- Lessons From A Chief Marketing Officer by Brad Kirk
(management / leadership, business books)
"Don't tell anyone else. Keep this book a secret. Why? Because it is so full of great advice and great sound-bites that it will make you a smarter marketer. You'd be stupid to share this book"
Best Book Title
Best Business Strategy Book
- Double-digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It-no Matter What by Michael Treacy
(leadership, management / leadership, business books, management)
"Not as ground-breaking as The Discipline of Market Leaders was, but it is still a very thought-provoking book" - Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable
(business books)
"Seth gets a lot of digital ink so if you don't know who he is then you must be new to Fast Company. A GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!"
Surprise Book of the Year
- The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier
(management / leadership, business books)
"A designer who understands marketing and can help you cross the bridge from logic (marketing) to magic (design)." - Creating Customer Evangelists: How Loyal Customers Become A Volunteer Sales Force by Jackie Huba
(business books)
"I would loan you my copy but you would be frustrated by all the dog-eared pages and by my notes that litter nearly every page."
Best Marketing Book to Generate Tactical Ideas
- Meaningful Marketing by Sergio Zyman
(business books)
"Could a book generate too many ideas? This one might. Seriously, if you are a marketer in search of tactical ideas - read this book." - How To Become A Marketing Superstar: Unexpected Rules That Ring The Cash Register by Jeffrey J. Fox
(business books, nonfiction)
"This book is chock-full of sound marketing wisdom. And for those marketing contrarians out there, you will enjoy this book immensely."