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Book Cover: The Stranger by Albert CamusBook Cover: The Stranger by Albert Camus
The Stranger by Albert CamusBook Cover: The Stranger by Albert Camus


Gwyneth Paltrow, Academy Award winner actress
Gwyneth Paltrow, Academy Award winner actress

"....But one of the best gifts came from Ethan Hawke when we were shooting Great Expectations.I was having a hard time because my first big movie, Emma, had just been released, and everything started to change. I had my first crisis. I found myself asking, "What's happening to my world? To my life?"

In the middle of all this, I went into work one day and found that Ethan had left me a big cardboard box full of his favorite books: The Stranger by Albert Camus, Motel Chronicles by Sam Shepard, The Passion by Jeanette Winterson, to name a few. Isn't that the best present? He gave the books to me with the intention of taking me outside myself and having me connect with poetry and literature—things he thought would give me perspective and make me feel better. It was such a generous gesture."

Kristen Stewart, Actress and star of the film Twilight
Kristen Stewart, Actress and star of the film Twilight

"I love Camus. The Stranger is one of my favorite books"



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