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Thirty years ago, when I was homeless and then struggling in poverty, I always went to the library. I borrowed books when I couldn’t afford to buy them. I read them. I studied them. I implemented what I learned.
As a direct result of this persistent and relentless quest to learn and grow, I’m now collecting cars and guitars, looking at multi-million dollar estates, and starting a movement to end homelessness.
But I’m not the only person to read and grow rich.
Yesterday I interviewed self-made billionaire Bill Bartmann for my Hypnotic Gold series. It was incredibly inspiring.
Bill was homeless at age 14. Yet he pulled himself up and went on to build businesses in fields where he had no education or experience. (!)
He became one of the world’s few billionaires. (There are just over 1,000 of them.)
By educating himself.
This is a secret to success: Keep reading, learning, growing, risking.
Don’t ask for money.
Ask for the best books.
Read them and implement what you learn.
What were the last five books you read to improve your lot in life?
Joe Vitale's book recommendation
- Lance Armstrong’s War by Daniel Coyle
"I of course know who Lance Armstrong is. I have yet to meet him, even though we live in the same area of Texas and we’ve both been on the cover of Austin Fit magazine. He came to life for me when I read Daniel Coyle’s New York Times bestselling book, Lance Armstrong’s War. While I’m not a cyclist, the book was so well written that I was compelled to read every word of it. When I heard Coyle had a new book coming out, I pre-ordered it without a thought." - The Talent Code By Daniel Coyle
(health, science)
"It arrived a few days ago. It’s terrific. The Talent Code reveals the true source of greatness.
Coyle’s book is essential reading for the hypnotic writing, the stories, the insights and more. At the heart of it is the news that a substance in the brain called myelin is what makes people great.
But the greater news is anyone — even you and me — can develop any talent by following the three elements Coyle describes. Doing so will build myelin. As the subtitle of his book says, “Greatness isn’t born. It’s grown.”
The Talent Code may just be “the spark” needed to turn wishful dreamers into talented greats that in the future Daniel Coyle may write about — just as he’s already done for a living legend, Lance Armstrong." - Healing And Recovery By David R. Hawkins
(health, science)
"I’m a big fan of David R. Hawkins. He’s the medical doctor/psychiatrist who cured himself of various illnesses and went on to muscle test his way to Nirvana. He’s either enlightened or at least mapped out the path to enlightenment. His “map of consciousness” — a roadmap of our spiritual evolutionary potential — is brilliant.
Many people know of his famous book, Power vs. Force, which introduced the idea of muscle testing, or Applied Kinesiology, as a way to find Truth in any situation.
I’ve been saying for some time now that life is a process of awakening. The goal is to keep going up the ladder of consciousness. By reading David Hawkins — especially this recent book — you can gently expand your thinking, open your heart, and glide upwards.
Healing and Recovery is a 500+ page book that you may have to read and digest in bites, but the result can be the most fulfilling experience of your life." - The Weight Loss Cure by Kevin Trudeau
"Kevin found the cure to weight loss. It’s a supplement called HCG. You can only get it from a medical doctor, but they have it and they sell it. Being on the Trudeau protocol (which is really the Dr. Simeons protocol) made all the difference in my life. It forced me to change my lifestyle, eat healthily, and break my addiction to food. Kevin says the diet is easy, which is the only thing I disagree with him about. Eating 500 calories a day (you get the rest of the fuel from HCG burning fat) is not easy, especially in social situations. But doing it will cause you to lose weight (a pound a day, on average), reset your hypothalamus (the part of your brain controlling your weight set-point), and break your addiction to the socially accepted bad habit called overeating. Get the book. Read it. Do it." - The Buddha’s Teachings On Prosperity by Bhikkhu Rahula
(careers, business books, happiness, self-help, health, religion and spirituality)
"I’m not a Buddhist (I’m more a Transcendentalist), but I’ve gained insight and value from many of Buddha’s teachings. I enjoy practical metaphysics, which is the take-it-to-the-bank school of philosophy, which led me to picking up books such as The Buddha’s Teachings on Prosperity, and of course The Diamond Cutter.
The Diamond Cutter is a practical and reflective book asking you to look at and change the mental imprints in your brain causing you to attract the results you have in your life. This includes whether you have money or not.
Roach’s The Diamond Cutter goes into all of this thinking with great depth and great writing. I’m loving it and I encourage you to read it.
Remember, mental imprints are running your life. You can change them - with awareness, intent and work.
What do you want this moment’s mental imprint to be?
Choose." - The Diamond Cutter By Geshe Michael Roach
(business books, nonfiction, religion and spirituality)
"I’ve been reading The Diamond Cutter by Geshe Michael Roach. It reveals the ancient Tibetan wisdom of Buddha on managing your business and your life. It could be called the Buddha’s money-making secret." - Contesting: The Name It And Claim It Game by Helen Hadsell
(careers, business books, health, nonfiction, religion and spirituality)
"Decades ago Helene Hadsell wrote Contesting: The Name It and Claim It Game, the best book ever written on using mind power to win contests and get lucky.
That book changed my life, as well as the lives of about 3,000,000 others. Unfortunately, the book went out of print and Helene dropped from the spotlight." - The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart
(literature and fiction)
"Some books dig into your brain and lodge themselves there, even if you finished them decades ago. The Dice Man is such a book.
I read it in high school in the early 1970s. The memory is still with me. I still have the paperback book, too. It’s an unforgettable novel about a man who learns to make every decision by rolling dice.
It’s an addictive read. It’s at times hilarious, at other times disturbing." - The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
(health, happiness, self-help, motivational, success, nonfiction, religion and spirituality)
"Last night I got to meet Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements and Toltec Wisdom expert. He’s a gentle, sweet soul speaking what he calls just plain common sense. He told me about his next book, The Fifth Agreement. What is The Fifth Agreement? “Be skeptical of everything (even yourself) but learn to listen.” We talked for maybe thirty minutes about life, the brain, meaning, the ego, and more. He’s also working on a book about psychology, saying we’re still influenced by Freud, which is outdated and incorrect. The photo is of Don Miguel and myself, taken by his son. Most of the conversation was filmed, and will be on YouTube soon. If you haven’t read his book, check it out at or of course your local book store." - Yes Man By Danny Wallace
(happiness, self-help, health)
"I’m reading the book Yes Man by Danny Wallace. It’s the book used to make the recent movie of the same name, starring the incredible Jim Carrey.
It’s excellent and I highly recommend you read it. In fact, Danny may be my new favorite author. He’s funny, creative, and has a positive message about life. I just joined his Karma Army, a movement to get people to do good deeds every Friday." - There's A Customer Born Every Minute by Joe Vitale
(business books)
"Do you have a book that everyone loves so much that they overlook your other books, making you wonder why you are writing any more?”
I told her yes, that my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute, has a cult like following but a small one. I wished more people would give it a look." - Killing Sacred Cows by Garrett B. Gunderson
(management, management / leadership, business books)
"Reading Garrett Gunderson’s excellent book, Killing Sacred Cows, on overcoming the financial myths that are destroying your prosperity, got me thinking of other money myths." - Thanks! How The New Science Of Gratitude Can Make You Happier By Robert Emmons
(health, happiness, self-help, motivational)
"I’m reading yet another book in the growing field of positive psychology. This one is Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons.
Dr. Emmons is Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology. He is also author of The Psychology of Ultimate Concerns (Guilford Press) and The Psychology of Gratitude (Oxford University Press). Thanks! is his newest and most accessible book.
One of the most revealing insights early in this new book is that happy people achieve goals faster than unhappy people.
I’m enjoying reading Thanks!
In fact, I’m very grateful for it." - The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back by Timothy Butler Ph.D.
(business books, careers)
"Some books just crawl into your head and rewire your brain.
That’s what is happening to me as I explore The 12 Bad Habits that Hold Good People Back by James Waldroop and Timothy Butler.
This is one of those rare books that expose your unconscious behaviors. In this case the book reveals 12 bad habits, which I prefer to call mental programs and the authors call behavior patterns, that prevent success.
I thought I was doing pretty good with my career until I started absorbing this book.
Get the book." - Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love by Pat O'Bryan
(careers, business books, motivational, management / leadership, IT books)
"This book could be your ticket to the life of your dreams.
If you are:
- thinking about starting an online business
- struggling with your online business
- a stay-at-home mom who wants to stay at home, and still make plenty of money
- sick of the corporate treadmill and ready for something better
- ready to tell your boss to “take this job and shove it!”
- interested in how to make money from anywhere doing what you love
Then you MUST read this book." - The Story Of You: And How To Create A New One by Steve Chandler
(health, self-help, success)
"Steve’s books are fantastic. I strongly recommend The Story of You as well as his latest one." - How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis
(business books)
"I almost got sunburned sitting by the pool and reading the truly eccentric yet wise new book, How To Get Rich, by Felix Dennis.
Dennis is one of Britain’s wealthiest self-made entrepreneurs. He’s opinionated, articulate, literary, poetic, visionary, and brilliant.
His book is well written, smooth, conversational, controversial, peppered with poetry he wrote and insights he gained from his life in business. Reading it is like listening to him talk over dinner and (lots of) wine, only in my own accent.
I suggest you get it.
But only if you truly want to get rich." - 100 Ways To Create Wealth by Sam Beckford
(careers, business books, management, management / leadership, motivational)
"Get this book, 100 Ways to Create Wealth, and start expanding your mind about what is possible.
You deserve it.
So does your family.
So does the world." - Selling Sucks: How To Stop Selling And Start Getting Prospects To Buy! by Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr.
(business books)
"Whew! A terrific new book that blows the lid off the old-school methods of selling—which don't work anymore—and shows you how to make sales almost like magic! I love this book!" - Physics Of The Impossible by Michio Kaku
(nonfiction, science)
"I just read theoretical physicist Michio Kaku’s latest book, Physics of the Impossible, and was riveted.
This brilliantly written book takes a level-headed, scientific look at the possibility of such sci-fi ideas as time-travel, phasers, force fields, invisibility, precognition, telepathy and much more.
He looks at each of the woo-woo-ish or Star Trek-ish concept in light of our current understanding of physics. He’s open minded enough to know science can change its stance as new discoveries are made (which means current physics might become a joke one day) but he uses our present understanding to see if there’s a possibility for the impossible."
I love it when I read a book that awakens and inspires me, and that’s what happened today.
Will Bowen’s little gem, A Complaint Free World is so good, I just bought a box of them to give out to friends.
The noble cause behind the book is to get you and me to stop complaining.
No gossip.
No complaining.
- A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen
(health, motivational, self-help)
"Bowen has been on Oprah and The Today Show. He’s sent out over four million bracelets — so far.
His book is packed with well written stories, insights, reminders and wisdom. Just reading it will lift your level of awareness and consciousness.
And it will gently guide you into being acutely aware of your own self-talk as well as spoken talk.
I urge you to get Bowen’s book and accept his challenge.
I’ve started it today.
Join me?"
Why Good People Do Bad
A few weeks ago bestselling author Debbie Ford sent me an advance copy of her new book, Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy.
- The Dark Side Of The Light Chasers by Debbie Ford
(health, self-help, religion and spirituality)
"I’m a big fan of Debbie’s work. Her book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, is still one I say is required reading for anyone serious about self-development and expanded awareness." - Why Good People Do Bad Things: How To Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy by Debbie Ford
(health, motivational, self-help)
"So when Debbie sent me her new book, I dropped everything to begin it.
And I didn’t stop reading until I finished the book the same day.
It’s powerful, insightful, uncomfortable and wise.
It’s also a masterpiece.
he book makes you look at yourself with glasses that let you see rather than hide.
Most of us can’t admit that we are often our own worst enemy, but that’s what Debbie does best: she gets you to look at your “shadow” - the part of you that you’d rather not let anyone see.
Get this book. Read it. Own your shadow and transform your life."
The #1 Self-Help Book
There’s The Magic of Believing and The Robert Collier Letter Book.
But number one on the list is one you may never have heard of before: The Book of est.
It beat out Think and Grow Rich, and even the Bible. I know that’s bold and controversial. But it’s also the truth.
- The Book Of Est by Luke Rhinehart
"Obviously, a book isn’t a drill sergeant self-help instructor yelling in your face about what isn’t working in your life. But The Book of est comes close.
Just reading it can cause you to awaken to your own patterns. And once you see them, you can let them go.
Or not.
After all, what you get from the book is what you get.
The second reason I love this book is because the writing is, well, hypnotic. It’s riveting.
The Book of est is one of the rare life changing gems that I can’t get enough of or read enough times.
Sometimes I give the book away. Usually I don’t. Usually I just keep it for myself, as one of the most powerful books of all time kept hidden in my own secret vault of wisdom." - The Robert Collier Letter Book by R Collier
(business books, children books, IT books, food and cooking, health, history, literature and fiction, mystery and thrillers, nonfiction, parenting, religion and spirituality, romance, science, teens)
What books I’m reading
Peter Wink, my Vice-President of Marketing for my company, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., said you wanted to know what books I’m reading. I suspect Peter wants to know, not you, but in case you’re interested, here goes:
- How To Make Money At Home In Spare Time By Mail In Seven Lessons
(business books, children books, IT books, food and cooking, health, history, literature and fiction, mystery and thrillers, nonfiction, parenting, religion and spirituality, romance, science, teens) - Will Work For Fun: 3 Simple Steps For Turning Any Hobby Or Interest Into Cash By Alan Bechtold
(business books, IT books) - Buddha’s Teachings On Prosperity At Home, At Work, In The World By Bhikkhu Rahula
(careers, business books, happiness, self-help, health, religion and spirituality) - Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Persuasive By Robert Cialdini And Noah Goldstein And Steve Martin
(business books, communications, health) - Powerlines: Word That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, And Sometimes Change History By Steve Cone
(leadership, management / leadership, business books)
What I'm Reading
- Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges Into Success by Donald J. Trump
(leadership, management / leadership, business books, motivational, health)
"Love him or hate him, you have to admit Donald Trump is a courageous and relentless self-promoter. This new book reminds you that it wasn’t so long ago that Trump was considered a failure and on the verge of bankruptcy. But look at him today. This easy-reading book is packed with lessons worth knowing about never giving up. It’s a gem. (I hope Trump gives Meredith McIver a raise, as she’s the person writing his books.)" - Atomic Fitness: The Alternative To Drugs, Steroids, Wacky Diets, And Everything Else That's Failed by Steve Michalik
"I’m still collecting body building and muscle building books. This new one is by Steve Michalik, who won Mr. USA, Mr. America, and Mr. Universe awards. I love the clarity of Steve’s concepts. He has a basic formula for success: natural body chemistry (he’s dead-set against steroids), nutrition, exercise and mindset. His book is an alternative to drugs, steroids and wacky diets. I’m so impressed with this book that I contacted Steve and will probably bring him into my gym for private lessons. (He told me he needs marketing help and that when it comes to self-promotion, he is “a 98-pound weakling”.)" - Charlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, The Man Who Pursued Him, And The Age Of Flimflam by Pope Brock
(history, nonfiction)
"This is the unbelievable but true story of “Doctor” John Brinkley, a 1920s former patent remedies rogue who helped men restore their sexual prowess by giving them an operation where he exchanged their testicles for those of a goat. I kid you not. Brinkley went on to run for governer of Kansas, became an early radio broadcaster and introduced the nation to blues country music. This book by Pope Brock reads like a fast-paced novel. It demonstrates the gullibility of all of us. (Not you or me, of course.)" - Scripting Magic
(history, nonfiction)
"I’m a lifetime member of the Society of American Magicians, a group founded by Houdini. I love magic but am usually disappointed by magic books. They aren’t written well, which makes the tricks hard to understand. This new one by Pete McCabe is astonishingly good. It proves that real magic isn’t in the trick, but in the presentation of the trick. I love this one so much I bought signed copies for my conjuring friends. (I’d tell you what’s in it, but, you know, it’s a secret.)" - A Thousand Names For Joy: Living In Harmony With The Way Things Are by Stephen Mitchell
(happiness, self-help, health, nonfiction, religion and spirituality)
"A while back I mentioned Byron Katie on this blog. Someone passed the word to Byron and she and her husband, Stephen Mitchell, sent me a signed copy of their recent book. This is the kind of soul nourishment you want in your life. I just flip the book open and read whatever I find. It’s also thought-provoking, which is interesting because it’s trying to get you to the point beyond thought. (Byron, if you’re reading this, I love you.)" - American Transcendentalism by Philip F. Gura
(history, nonfiction)
"I started calling myself a Transcendentalist around 1972, when I was in college at Kent State University and discovered the brilliant writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. This new book by Gura brings those characters to life once again for me, which of course I love. I visited Walden Pond and Emerson’s home in the mid-1970s. I could have lived there with those members of the spiritual literati. (When will time travel be real, anyway?)" - Psychological Foundations Of Success by Stephen J. Kraus
(health, self-help)
"This is an older book (2002) but very relevant today. The subtitle says, “A Harvard trained scientist separates the science of success from self-help snake oil.” That’s what it is, too. The book is well written, packed with case studies, but treated as a how-to manual for success. Contains some startling facts, too. The famous Yale University study about goal setting turns out to be an urban legend. Yet almost all success speakers quote it. Wild. It’s interesting to me that even after all the talk of “self-help snake oil”, the principles he says work for success are exactly the ones some critics might still call “snake oil.” This is a quick but important read. (So read it.)" - How To Be Financially Successful: A Spiritual Perspective by Joshua David Stone
(motivational, business books, management / leadership, religion and spirituality)
"I can’t resist telling you about yet another book: How To Be Financially Successful: A Spiritual Perspective. Joshua David Stone has written more than twenty-five books in his “Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path.” This is volume fifteen. It’s a belief-stretching blend of practical tips (keep a list of to-dos) and spiritual advice (pray to the angels and archangels and even “christed extraterrestrials” with your preferences not attachments). (!) Some of this book is brilliant; some of it is odd, even for me. Worth a look, though. His focus is on spirit and service, so you can’t go wrong there. (And he’s written over forty books, not twenty-five. And you thought I was prolific.) " - Living Like Ed: A Guide To The Eco-friendly Life by Ed Begley Jr.
"Yesterday I ran errands and ended up taking a few minutes break at a book store, still my favorite place to relax.
On the nonfiction shelf at the door was sitting a copy of actor Ed Begley’s brand new book, Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life.
Ed told me a few weeks ago that the book would be coming out soon, but there it was, waiting for me.
I grabbed a copy and brought it home to Nerissa, who’s into everything green and drives a hybrid car.
She dropped everything, read it, loved it, and posted a video review of it on Amazon.
She’s never read a book that fast before.
She’s never made a video review before.
If you look up Ed’s book on Amazon, and scan down the page, you’ll see Nerissa’s review.
While you’re there, get the book. It’s terrific."
Why should you listen to him?
Hypnotherapist and bestselling author, Joe Vitale, is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., an Internet marketing consulting firm. He is one of the stars of the hit movie, The Secret. Joe has been called "The Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His published books include The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, Life's Missing Instruction Manual, and The Key.
Besides being one of the five top marketing specialists in the world today, and the world’s first hypnotic writer, Joe is also an ordained minister, a certified metaphysical practitioner, a certified hypnotherapist, and a certified Chi Kung healer. He also holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science.
- The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps For Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) From The Inside Out by Joe Vitale
(motivational, business books, health, self-help, success) - Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System For Wealth, Health, Peace, And More by Ihaleakala Hew Len Ph.D
(motivational, management / leadership, business books, health, success, self-help, religion and spirituality) - Life's Missing Instruction Manual by Joe Vitale
(business books, health, self-help, success, religion and spirituality)